Settling down…?

Just last weekend, we closed the book on Nick’s final chapter: he was laid to rest in a grave at the foot of his father’s grave this past Saturday. I was pleased with the number of people who chose to brave the clammy, drizzly, cool morning to see Nick laid to rest.

And, the clearing of Dad’s house and the subsequent estate sale are complete, thanks mostly to my sister- and brother-in-law, Rhonda and Geoff. These two spent inordinate amounts of time gathering and sorting items, cleaning the house up, and tending to the tasks involved with getting it on the market. These two drove 400 miles each time they came to the house, and 400 more to return home, and Geoff spent the lion’s share of his vacation time here in Michigan, attending to Dad’s house.

I’ve returned to the house a few times to disposition items that were left after the sale. It’s strange to see that house empty after all of the time spent there celebrating, visiting, helping… In a short while, it will become doubtful any of us will set foot in it again.

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